Published Journal Articles:
“Federal Preemption of Local Government Telegraph Franchise Entry Barriers” Research in Economic History, (Forthcoming)
“Pro-Consumer Legislation Supported by Elites: The Curious Case of the 1866 Post Roads Act” Public Choice Analyses of American Economic History, Vol. III, Editors by Joshua Hall and Marcus Witcher, 2019.
Working Papers:
"Federal Preemption and Competition in the Post 1866 United States Telegraph Market "
"Scale of Private Provision of Money Orders in the United States" (Early Draft)
Book Reviews:
A Review of Benjamin Sidney Michael Schwantes’ The Train and the Telegraph: A Revisionist History, Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies, vol. 89, Iss. 2, 2022.
Popular Media:
"Antitrust Enforcement Led to the Creation of the Telephone" University of Chicago Booth School of Business Stigler Center's PROMARKET, August 14, 2024.